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Summary of our Family HandbookUPDATED: l2/l2/23

Welcome to Emmerick Street Community Preschool

 We aim to bring out the best in your child, to foster self-confidence and a love of learning. The Preschool provides a warm, caring, respectful, stimulating and inclusive environment. We promote a program that celebrates diversity and supports children to be active, thoughtful and positive participants and contributors in their community.

Research shows that a child’s experience in their first five years sets the course for the re of their life. At Emmerick Street Community Preschool, we believe that families and educators can work together to provide the best foundation for the growth and development of each child.

We look forward to working in partnership with you and your children, and we hope that the Preschool experience is a rewarding one for both you and your child.

 Our Team

The Preschool caters for 26 children Mon-Wed & 24 Children Thurs-Fri. Our educational programs are taught by University Trained Early Childhood Teachers, Advanced Diploma trained and Certificate 3 trained educators.

 Highly Qualified Staff Equals High Quality Educational Programs

All educators have a current first aid certificate and regularly attend in-service training to maintain our Preschool’s level of excellence – Rated Exceeding.  All educators undergo appropriate probity checks to ensure that they are not Prohibited Persons as described in the Child Protection Prohibited Employment Act 1998.

Emmerick Street Preschool Philosophy and Practice

Who we are and what we do?

Emmerick Street Community Preschool has been educating local children since the 1970’s.  We are situated in Lilyfield, in the Inner West of Sydney, in the Eora nation, home of the Gadigal and Wangal people.  The Preschool has a rich history of bringing local families together to support and nurture children and their learning.  This legacy still informs our philosophy and practice today, and we hope it will continue to inform our culture for many years to come. Our Preschool is rated as exceeding under the National Quality Standards.

Why we do what we do……..

At Emmerick Street, we nurture each child’s sense of belonging, creativity, curiosity and independence, helping them to meet their immediate challenges, as well as giving them life skills.


In 1978, Emmerick Street Preschool was operating out of a lean-to in Birchgrove. This is where our community spirit came alive and is still thriving with its own pulse to this day!

Relationships and connections are core to our community. Time is taken to listen and know staff, families, community, and most importantly the children. The uniqueness of each child is celebrated, welcomed, and present every day.

It is each child’s right to a stimulating curriculum. Careful planning captures a multitude of learning styles and personalities whilst encapsulating the heart and voice of each child.

Research scaffolds team thinking and this promotes critical reflection as well as teaching children to be critical thinkers, to dream, think and wonder in diverse ways.

We observe and embed ourselves in children’s play. Partnerships with children are crucial to unveiling each child’s potential to grow and learn.

Over the years we have developed a pedagogy of friendship to support and recognize children’s growing skills in making and being a friend.

Acknowledging Gadigal Wangal land and paying respects to First Nations Peoples is embedded in our teachings as well as culture from all around the world. It is a gift to grow spiritually and culturally from new learning.

Being sustainable and caring for the land go hand in hand. Children are immersed in learning how to care for and love our planet and take good care of it.

Each child is to feel safe, heard and valued. Safety is embedded across all parts of our operation.

We witness children being brilliant at least 1000 times a day, we take each child very seriously whilst recognising the privilege of guiding and supporting them to develop a love of learning for life.

*Please note this philosophy is a living document and all staff, families and the children are involved in its creation.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child has been considered in the development of our Philosophy and in particular Articles: 3, 6, 12, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36.

The Safe Standards reflected in this document are 1, 2, 3 and 4

Updated: 11/05/2023

*Currently being Reviewed by all stakeholders as well as in our Philosophy floor book used with children (From Term Two 2023)


How we view children?

At Emmerick Street, we challenge the children to experiment and solve their own problems. We believe that strong relationships with educators and other children help them to think and act independently and allow them to accumulate the skills they need to be ready for school.

We also understand that each child is unique, with a different family and cultural experience, and with different abilities and talents. We therefore value each child as an individual and adapt our program to their needs, to allow them to explore their interests and draw on their strengths, give them courage to try new things, and celebrate their unique identities.

We strongly believe that early childhood education works best in partnership with families and we do our best to foster positive relationships with the important people in the children’s lives, to extend their sense of belonging from home to Preschool.  To facilitate this partnership, educators are always available to discuss children’s progress with their educators.  We also communicate with families through our newsletters, the curriculum program and through the children’s portfolios.


If children feel a strong sense of belonging, they are free to engage in the activities around them and to learn from their peers and teachers.  As the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) says, positive relationships are the foundation of that sense of belonging.  We support open communication, respect and encourage effective and age-appropriate social skills. We use the Dr Robyn Dolby Playspaces® model to enhance relationship building between all stakeholders. This model works particularly well when children start at preschool to support trust and connection building. Families are provided with information about this model when they start at the preschool. They are also encouraged to become partners in using this model to support relationship building.

Play and the Program

Preschool children learn best when they are interested and having fun, engaged in a play-based program, which allows the children to explore their ideas and imagination, engage their creativity, practice and develop skills, create new knowledge, and learn about their world.  As the EYLF says, ‘play provides opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine’.  Our educators follow and extend on ideas raised by the group as well as initiate new experiences for them to explore. This provides a balance between child and teacher lead experiences and allows the children to encounter narrative, language, music, art, spatial awareness and early numeracy in ways that sustain their interest.

Our program is based on the EYLF, but we are also influenced by the knowledge, philosophy and practices of the Reggio Emilia SchoolsGardener’s Multiple Intelligence TheoryDaniel Goleman’s work on Emotional Intelligence, Sir Ken Robinson’s work on the importance of creativity in education and Social Constructivism that sees learning as social. We aspire to use Ann Pelo’s practices of collaboration and presence with children and families and incorporate Richard Louv’s advice on the importance of connecting with children in the natural world.

Learning Environment

The Preschool building is a freestanding cottage with a spacious playground. Educators balance free play with planned and spontaneous small group experiences throughout the day.  Both indoor and outdoor areas are natural and homely, with special touches like family photos, natural colour schemes, to help the children feel responsible, calm and comfortable in a space that they can own.

Health and Wellbeing

We believe in supporting children to live healthy, active and fulfilling lives by caring for themselves and their environment.  This message is woven through the program and the children’s daily routine in a myriad of ways including cooking healthy food, eating morning tea together, practising yoga, and encouraging them to adopt habits to promote good hygiene.  Our staff support this by acting as healthy role models for the children and helping them to care for Preschool environment too, particularly the guinea pigs, kitchen garden, compost and worm farm.

Family Involvement

Many opportunities exist for families to engage with the Preschool and each other at Emmerick Street, which has always been a parent run Preschool.  The Director and a volunteer Management Committee work closely to manage the Preschool. We also welcome parents to come and share their skills with the children.  All families are required to help at working bees and fundraisers, which are wonderful opportunities for families to get to know staff and each other.


We welcome and respect the perspectives of the traditional owners of the land, the Gadigal and Wangal people. This is achieved with short excursions to the local shops or bigger trips to the library, Callan Park, or even the theatre.  Throughout the year, small groups of children visit host children’s houses for ‘home visits’, which helps them to feel a greater sense of belonging as their friends and teachers get to know them better.  Regular incursions/entertainers eg. the fire brigade, to help the children understand the diversity and richness of the community to which they belong.

Our families are welcome to contribute to our philosophy, reflecting on our changing community.  

The Preschool Daily Routine

8.00 am to 9amEducators set up the Preschool learning environments
9am to 10amChildren arrive, free play -outdoor play (weather permitting)
10am  to 10:30amWash Hands ~ Morning tea outside (weather permitting), small group experiencesPack away/Tidy outdoors
10:30am – 12:00pmTransition to inside (Indoor play) 
12pm – 12:30pmGroup time/wash hands
12:30pm- 1:00pmLunch Time (outdoors- weather permitting)
1:00pm-2:00pmFree play indoors/outdoors
2.00pm– 2:45pmRest/Quiet time and Story time
2.45pm to 3.00pmChildren get ready for home and pack away
3.00pm to 4pmEducators prepare for next day

Attendance Days and Hours

The Preschool caters for 3-5 year old’s on the following attendance days:

  • 4-5 years – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 3-4 years – Thursday and Friday

Preschool hours are 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, during school terms. Preschool dates follow the school calendar and, as these dates vary, please check our website calendar.

Children cannot be left before 9am and must be picked up by 3pm, as the Preschool is not licensed outside these hours. In the afternoon children can also become anxious if parents are late.  We understand that emergency situations do arise from time to time and we ask that you ring us to let us know if you are going to be late.

Late collection of Children

For children who are collected after 3.00pm, a late fee will be charged after 2 verbal warnings. This fine will be payable separate to term fees.

Preschool Holidays

Preschool terms follow the NSW state schools. There are four terms each year. The term calendar is sent to all families each year.

Preschool News and Events

Every term we have different events for children and families, so it is important to stay up-to-date with the information that is sent out and available to you. Information on events and important dates are in the term newsletter, via Storypark, on the Preschool calendar (website), flyers at the Preschool and/or email reminders.

Arrival and Departure Policy QA2. 022

Department regulations require children be dropped off and picked up in a safe manner and that all information is effectively shared between yourself and educators. Please adhere to the following guidelines during arrival and departure from the Preschool:

  • Supervise all other children (i.e. siblings) that accompany you to the Preschool to ensure that the safety of children and equipment is not compromised. These children must stay in direct presence/vision of parents at all times;
  • Sign your child in/out on the daily attendance register in the foyer;
  • Close all gates as you are leaving
  • Inform educators if anyone other than yourself will be collecting your child, and make sure that the Preschool has written authorisation for the identified person to collect your child.
  • Please note: Children will not be released to anyone under the age of 16 years.


We ask that you notify the Preschool, by phone (leave a message) before 9am, if your child will be away for any reason. There is no reduction of fees if your child is absent for any reason, including sickness. If your child has a COVID-19 test, you will be required to bring proof in to show a negative test, prior to your child coming back to preschool.

Notice to Withdraw Policy

Parents are required to give 4 weeks’ notice in writing if they intend to withdraw their child/ren from the Preschool.  This is necessary to ensure that sufficient notice can be given to the next family on the waiting list.  Failure to do so in term 4, will result in loss of the enrolment bond.  Please provide notice in writing to the Director. Refer to the Fees and Levies Policy 7.6 003

What to Bring to Preschool?

Please bring a bag big enough containing:

  • Morning tea container (named) Eg: Piece of fruit, vegetables, crackers/cheese.
  • Lunch in a separate named lunch box – please put this in the fridge in the morning.
  • A water bottle – we leave this out so that children have access to water throughout the day.
  • A change of clothes – appropriate according to changing weather.
  • A mat to relax on in a breathable bag

Please do not pack any food containing any NUTS. There may be other allergies that come to our attention and we may need to cease other food items. We will inform you if this is the case.

Children will have their own locker, designated with their name on it. Bags are kept in the locker room, and lost property is also located there.

Settling Your Child into Preschool

We understand that starting Preschool can be an anxious experience for both family members and children, and quite often it is the first experience of extended separation. Developing trusting relationships with educators, and familiarising your child with the Preschool routine, environment and procedures will help alleviate some of these anxieties.

We encourage you and your child to attend the orientation at the Preschool.

Many children experience some anxiety about separating from their parents or caregivers when they start Preschool. This will differ for each child but this is normal, and may take a little time to resolve depending upon your child’s age and temperament.

Social Story

Each family will be sent a Social Story to share with your child prior to them starting. If you can please read through this a few times with your child to help them start to connect with their new preschool.

 It is also a good idea to walk or drive past the preschool a few times prior to them starting.

Tips for Families when settling your child in

  • Work with the educators to plan strategies to assist you and your child to manage separation. For example, your child may have a special toy or comfort item, or your child can wave goodbye at the window which can be incorporated into the separation ritual.
  • Spend some unhurried time with your child at Preschool and then say ‘goodbye’ calmly and confidently, reassuring your child that you will collect them later.
  • Leave when you say you are going to leave. Continuing to stay for ‘one more minute’ can increase anxiety for both of you.
  • Always say goodbye to your child. While it may be tempting to leave quietly, while your child is happily engaged in play, this can cause children to feel anxious and distrustful.
  • Please feel free to ring the Preschool to check on how your child is settling into the service. If educators are unable to talk when you call due to supervising the children, you will receive a call back when ratios and time are permitting.

The First Day – Thursday /Friday Group

Please follow the outlined settling in Schedule that has been sent out. This is a tried and tested model and works to complement the Playspaces® model of relationship and connection building.

Families, please follow the lead of the team members at the door. We will work together to settle your child into preschool and support the big feelings they may have.

Please be aware it is normal for your child to be upset when they start preschool. It is important for your child to get these feelings out and be supported to express how they are feeling.

The teaching team will acknowledge your child’s feelings and work to support your child to help them organise their feelings so they can settle into preschool.

Family Photos and ‘All About Me’ Profiles

Please supply a 6 x 4 sized family photo to be put on display at Preschool. By displaying these photos educators aim to foster a sense of belonging for the children, and to create a sense of community for all families.

Toilet Training

All children are to be toilet trained prior to commencement because we do not have nappy changing facilities at the Preschool. If you are having challenges with supporting your child to become toilet trained, please talk to the Director to work out some strategies to help your child.

What to Pack for Lunch

Healthy sandwiches or salads are a suitable lunch.  You can provide variety by including cheese sticks, fresh or dried fruit, raw vegetables.  Please keep ‘treats’ such as cakes, chips, lollies or chocolate to a minimum, as we aim to promote healthy eating habits at Preschool. 

Please place lunch boxes in the fridge, and morning tea containers in the outdoor fridge in the dining area (outside) and drink bottles in the container provided.

No Cooler Bags Please

Please do not send nuts or products containing NUTS to Preschool, as we are an Allergy aware Preschool.

Home Toys

The Preschool has a wealth of educational toys and play equipment. We have been trailing children bringing toys and other precious items from home because this shapes who they are and honours the Agency of the child. If they get lost or misplaced however, we will not be spending a lot of time searching for the items. If an item is causing an issue we will use this as a teaching and learning opportunity and make a decision with the child about the situation.

Hats, clothing, sunscreen and insect repellent

Preschool hats remain at the Preschool. Children must also have their shoulders covered to protect them from the sun. We also ask that you please apply sunscreen and mosquito repellent each day before your child comes to Preschool to help protect your child.

We do provide sunscreen for the children’s protection, and we encourage them to become familiar and independent in the care of their skin. If your child suffers allergies to any skin products, please notify educators.

Spare Clothes

In your child’s bag please send a change of clothes, a couple of pairs of underpants, a raincoat every day for rainy weather and a jumper every day for if the weather turns cool. Comfortable play clothes and shoes with a strap help ensure relaxed, happy and safe play at Preschool. Please remember to label all clothing.

Blankets and Sheets

If your child will be sleeping, please send in a fitted sheet to put on a bed. A fitted cot sheet will be adequate size and something to cover them too. If you are unsure about this, please talk to one of our teachers who can show you an example. All children need to bring a bath mat for relaxation.

Collage Materials

Donations are appreciated of any material such as boxes, paddle pop sticks, coloured paper etc. for the children to use for creative collage. Your rubbish may be someone’s piece of art! Please speak to the director if you have something to contribute.

Our Community Preschool

Emmerick Street Community Preschool is a non-profit community-based Preschool and is therefore reliant on the enrolled families to perform a wide range of managerial, administrative and maintenance tasks. It is this participation that enables the Preschool to run smoothly and remain viable.  We cannot stress enough that your help in any of these areas is greatly needed and appreciated. It is a wonderful opportunity for parents to be involved in a ‘hands on’ way in the educational environment of their children.

The role of The Birchgrove Community Association Ltd.

The Preschool is governed by a corporate body known as the Birchgrove Community Association (BCA). It consists of some elected parents of the children attending the Preschool.  It is a community-based venture which began as Birchgrove Community Preschool in Birchgrove in the mid-seventies to provide an alternative educational option for the local Preschool children. Due to leasing issues, relocation was necessary and the new grounds in Lilyfield were purchased in the late eighties.

 The Management Committee – Voluntary

All the members of the Preschool Management Committee are elected by the parents of the Preschool at the Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee (BCA), which consists of the President, Secretary and Treasurer and general Committee Members together with the Director, are responsible for all decisions pertaining to the day-to-day running of the Preschool.

The Management Committee in conjunction with the Director agrees on the yearly budget and all expenditures for maintenance and upkeep of the Preschool. Major decisions are brought to the attention of the parent body at the AGM and/or via letters and emails so that parents can share their ideas and ask questions.  Budgets are set by the treasurer in consultation with the Director and accounts manager and at the end of each year the accounts are readied for auditing.

Management Committee meetings are held on Wednesday’s generally in Week’s 4 and Week 8 each term. The weeks are changed at times depending on circumstances.

Birchgrove Community Association Membership

The Association membership entitles you to vote on issues at parent meetings and the AGM. To be eligible to hold a Management Committee position you will have to join the (BCA). It is mandatory for at least one parent/ guardian per family. Your application form and a fee will be collected at the time of enrolling your child.

 Parent Involvement

The Preschool recognises the importance of parent involvement within the program and welcomes you to visit the Preschool at any time (Post COVID-19). Any special skills, talents, or interests you can share with the children or the Preschool are also appreciated.

Some of the ways in which you can become involved in the Preschool community include:

  • Spending time with the children at the Preschool
  • Story reading
  • Attending excursions and incursions
  • Completing surveys
  • Attending Parent Meetings
  • Social functions
  • Input into the weekly program, policies and procedures

Other tasks may include:

  • Fundraising
  • Maintaining the Preschool library (covering books)
  • Weekly Preschool washing for a term

Working Bees

Working bees are held twice a year on Saturdays, between the hours of 8am-12.00pm and each family needs to provide one person for two hours or two people for one hour. Adults ONLY, no children permitted. 

A working bee levy $100.00 will be charged to families who do not attend the working bee, in order to cover the costs of paying for services of independent contractors. Please see the Director if you can’t make the working bee due to unforeseen circumstances or work commitments.

A garden maintenance team also operates during the holidays. This usually consists of 3-4 families. They water the garden and meet at the Preschool on the last weekend of each holiday to clean up the playground and get it ready for the children to return. Families who participate in this do not have to attend the working bee.

Management Committee (executive) members are exempt from working bees per year. 


Occasionally, we find the need to raise funds for unplanned financial commitments.  One of the volunteer roles for parents is fundraising co-ordinator. The committee, along with the fundraising co-ordinator, will organise a subcommittee of volunteers to decide on the best way to achieve what we need and we expect that all families contribute their time.

Parent Communication

Parents are the primary caregivers of their children.  Communication between parents and educators is very important; as we are here to compliment what you already do at home. There are a number of ways in which communication between the Preschool and families can occur.  These include:

  • Story Park – This is our main form of communication about children’s learning.
  • Documentation around the Preschool
  • Conversations – both formal and informal
  • Individual parent/teacher meetings
  • Preschool Parent Meetings 1-2 a year
  • Management Committee meetings that are families are welcome to attend
  • The Annual General Meeting
  • E-mail
  • Communication Board in the foyer
  • Notices/flyers put on the door or in the foyer
  • Newsletters (generally 1 to 2 per term)

The Preschool Program

At Emmerick Street Community Preschool we believe that an early childhood curriculum does not simply refer to the teaching of specific facts or information, rather it includes the processes that are connected to learning and teaching, as well as the intentions of the early childhood professional and learner. This idea is reiterated by the educators of Reggio Emilia in the North of Italy, who view the child as an active participant in their own learning. At Emmerick Street, we are highly inspired and influenced by the philosophies and practices of the educators of Reggio Emilia.

Our program relates to all aspects of children’s experiences whilst at the Preschool and involves both planned and spontaneous activities. The Preschool’s programming style is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.

Our educators believe that ‘Children learn best when the curriculum is connected to their everyday lives and interests’. (Arthur, Beecher, Death, Dockett and Farmer, 2005). We see the child as constructing knowledge through their interactions with their; peers, teachers, families and their environment. We strive to offer an interest based and child negotiated approach (meaning that staff and children work together through the learning journey). The foundations of the curriculum come from the children themselves, whom teachers observe closely to discover what it is that they are interested in and what investigations they are pursuing.

As educators we are researchers. We make notes and jottings, take photos and gather other traces of children’s learning and then work in collaboration to develop an understanding about the children’s theories. We need to know where the children ‘are’ before we know where to ‘take’ them. We then make plans for the next steps aimed at extending and sustaining the child’s or children’s pursuits and deepening their exploration. We use a range of documentation to make the children’s learning visible to families, children and the community. This includes anecdotal observations, learning stories, pedagogical documentation, work samples, collated observations around a project and developmental summaries.  The documentation can be found displayed on the walls, in our pedagogical journal, in the daily diary or in children’s portfolios. This documentation we use emphasises to children that we believe they are truly capable and resourceful and that they are active contributors to their own learning.

Our environment is designed to facilitate children’s learning and exploration through the provision of resources and materials which offer choice, possibility and discovery. We acknowledge that in play the emphasis is on process and not product and we value the learning that is gained through experimentation and investigation. We also feel that it is important that all children feel safe and secure at the Preschool; therefore, we strive to provide a home-like environment, by using materials and furnishings that are often found in homes.

We are a very well-resourced Preschool and resources are regularly rotated in the environment to reflect the children’s current interests and capabilities. Learning areas such as art and craft, a writing centre, music corner, block corner, books and puzzles in the ‘quiet room’ and home corner are set up in a way that encourages the children to make choices and decisions. Low open shelves with a variety of resources allow the children to take on an active role in their own play and learning.

Each child has a profile on Story Park to document their learning. On commencement of your child’s enrolment, you will receive an invitation to join this. Parents can also use this to share information with teachers about their child outside of Preschool in the form of stories and photos.

                            Supporting Social Competency

Our aim is to facilitate a just and equitable learning environment by supporting children to express themselves appropriately. This means using strategies that build children’s confidence and self-esteem, and provide children with support, guidance and opportunities to express their feelings and emotions appropriately and interact with others positively.

This approach to managing behaviour is based on a theoretical approach that aims to teach children or guide children so that they can learn to direct their own actions from the inside (Porter, 2003). We endeavour to foster and enhance a positive self-esteem, and to support children to develop the skills to engage in socially acceptable and successful behaviours. We believe in encouraging independence and self-control in children and aim to develop skills that will enable children to self-regulate and solve problems for themselves. Each child is supported to manage their own behaviour, respond appropriately to the behaviour of others, and communicate effectively to resolve conflict. (National Quality Standard, Quality Area 5, standard 5.3.1)

Furthermore, we believe that the use of punishments, threats and rewards are counterproductive, and only elicit short term compliance in most situations. We aim to support children through conflicts or emotions, using positive guidance/reinforcement, re-direction and provide children with appropriate language and support to self-regulate, control their own behaviour, solve problems and express themselves. Children will be presented with clear alternatives to help them develop their ability to make decisions and direct themselves. We encourage parents to discuss with staff any behavioural difficulties they may be experiencing with their child at home so that families and staff can be consistent with practices used.

The strategies we use to support social competencies preserve the dignity and rights of the child at all times (National Quality Standard, Quality Area 5, standard 5.3.1)

Please see our Policy Manual for more details on the above policy.

Additional Needs Children

Emmerick Street Community Preschool has a commitment to including children with additional needs in the Preschool setting. If your child has any additional needs, please advise and discuss these with the Director.

General Information for Parents

Virtual Home Visits

We have conducted ‘Home Visits’ online, this has been really successful and enjoyable for everyone.


We all play a part in providing a safe and secure environment for the children at Preschool.

The child-proof gate at the front must always be shut when you enter or leave the Preschool.

The Preschool’s front door is kept locked at all times. Please use the pin code to enter, and do not reveal the pin to unknown persons.  Please do not let people into Preschool unless you know them personally.  Staff will open the door to unknown persons. The children are asked not to stand near the front door during drop off and pick up times, so if you see a child doing this, please notify a staff member.

Parking [dw1]

The Preschool is located in a residential area and it is important to maintain a good relationship with our neighbours. Please ensure that you park legally at all times and do not park across any driveways. Double parking is illegal and dangerous to other parents and children crossing the road. Please do not leave other children in the car when dropping off your child.


We are happy to acknowledge and celebrate each child’s birthday with the group, but no parties are held at Preschool. You may like to send in 30 mini cup-cakes, but it is preferable that you make them as healthy as possible, there are many alternatives please talk to the teachers.

Social Functions/Events

One of the major benefits of parents being part of a community Preschool is the opportunity for social interactions between children, families and staff. Over the years many long standing friendships have been formed, and the happy social climate of the Preschool is of benefit to the children and families alike.

A variety of social functions are organised throughout the year, beginning with an Orientation evening in November to welcome new families. During the year there may be picnics, social evenings and various fundraisers and Christmas celebrations are also organised in December. If you would like to volunteer as the social co-ordinator for parent events, please see the Director.

Important Policies

The Preschool has current policies which reflect our philosophy.  These policies are in place to ensure high quality care and education. These policies will be adapted as necessary to meet changing needs of children, families and government bodies. A full copy of the Policy is available for reference in the foyer and on our website:

  • Arrival and Departure Policy QA2: 022
  • Anaphylaxis Management Policy QA2: 007
  • Asthma Management Policy QA2: 008
  • Allergies and Anaphylaxis Information Sheet QA2: 011
  • Administering Medications Procedure QA2: 005
  • Child Protection Policy QA2: 010
  • Complaints Handling Policy QA7: 009
  • Code of Conduct – Parents and Visitors Policy QA4: 001
  • Emergency Evacuation Policy QA2: 004
  • Excursion Policy QA2: 027
  • Exclusions Policy
  • Incident Injuries and Trauma Policy QA2: 16
  • Managing a Child with a High Temperature QA2: 028
  • Medical Conditions and Medications Policy QA2: 006
  • Fees and Levies Policy QA7 7.6: 003
  • Feedback and Complaints Policy QA7: 001
  • Social Competency Policy

Health, Sickness and Medication (Refer to Policies QA2: 006, 007, 008)

We hope that your child will enjoy good health all year. We realise however, that all children have colds or other illnesses from time to time. If your child has been unwell, it is important that we are aware of it. If medicines such as paracetamol have been administered in the morning, before attending the Preschool please tell an educator upon arrival.

If your child has any contagious illness we ask that you be prepared to keep him/her away from the Preschool for the period of time set down by the Department of Health (for more information on such illnesses please see the health and hygiene folder in the foyer or visit the National Health and Medical Research Council web page at; and Preschool policies. Alternatively, you may talk to an educator. If your child becomes ill at the Preschool, we will contact you so that we can both make a decision about care for the rest of the day.

Please keep your child at home when he/she is sick both to ensure a quick recovery and to avoid spreading infection.  Please notify an educator if your child will not be at Preschool.

Your enrolment application will include contact telephone numbers for yourself, family and friends who can be contacted in case of an accident or if your child becomes sick during the day. Please ensure that these are kept updated throughout the year. The telephone number of your doctor is also required to be kept on record in case medical advice or treatment is required.

Administering Medication (Refer to Policy QA2: 005)

Whenever possible, medication should be administered to children by their families, at home. However, this will not always be possible. To ensure children’s safety and welfare, the giving of medication at the Preschool will be strictly monitored.

The Preschool will adhere to the following procedure in relation to administering medication:

  • Families must give the medication directly to the educator and not leave it in the child’s bag or locker.
  • Families must fill in a medication record form for any medication (including prescription, over–the-counter and homeopathic medications) that need to be administered to their child at Preschool.
  • If the parent/guardian is unable to fill in the form they may write or email the permission to administer the medication stating the name of the medication, the dosage, last time it was administered and the time of day for staff to administer it. This will be kept in the child’s file and the parent will fill in the medication record when next at the Preschool.
  • Unless a medical emergency, medication will not be given to the child without written permission from the parent (Refer to QA2: 006 & 0024). *
  • All medication will be stored in the medication box, in the kitchen, out of reach of children, but readily accessible to educators/staff, and in accordance with the medication requirements.
  • All medication will ONLY be administered:
    • only if prescribed by a registered medical practitioner;
    • if non-prescribed it must be accompanied by a letter from a registered GP;
    • by a staff member with a First Aid Certificate;
    • from a container that bears the original label with the name of the child to whom it is prescribed;
    • in accordance with the instructions on the packaging, written on the medication or provided by a registered GP and
    • taking into account the last time the medication was administered to the child (this should be filled out on the medication record)
    • non-prescribed medications (not listed on the enrolment form) must be from the original packaging, applicable to the child’s age, with clear dosage instructions, within the expiry date of the medication;
    • with a second person checking the dosage of the medication and witnessing its administration;
    • recording the details of the administration in the medication record.

*Please note that the Preschool has an Epi-Pen and Asthma Puffer (Ventolin) in the event of an emergency and/or is having their first asthma attack or anaphylactic reaction. ALL staff are trained in anaphylaxis, asthma and first aid. Please see the Director if you have any further queries about this.


The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care

In 2009 all Australian Governments agreed to a new National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Child Care. This allowed all Australian children, regardless of their location, will get the best possible start in life through access to high quality early childhood education and school age care services. The National Quality Framework was in place a new National Quality Standard to ensure high quality and consistent early childhood education and school age care across Australia.

What is the National Quality Framework (NQF)?

The National Quality Framework has three parts:

  • The National Quality Standards, that gives families clear information about the quality of early childhood education and school age care services they can expect their children to receive;
  • The National Quality Rating system with five levels Including a quality rating for seven key areas of childhood development; and
  • The Early Years Learning Framework that guides educators and carers in developing play-based learning and development activities for children in early childhood education and school age care settings.

For more information about the NQF please visit  and/or

What is the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0?

The Australian Government has developed the Early Years Learning Framework to ensure your child receives quality education programs in their early childhood setting. This is a vital time for them to learn and develop. The Framework’s vision is for all children to experience play-based learning that is engaging and builds success for life. It is a compulsory guide for early childhood educators who work with children from birth to five years.

Educators will use the Framework in partnership with families, children’s first and most influential educators, to develop learning programs responsive to children’s ideas, interests, strengths and abilities and recognise that children learn through their play.

The Early Years Learning Framework describes the principles, practices and outcomes which enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. It has a strong emphasis on play-based learning as play is the best vehicle for young children’s learning providing the most stimuli for brain development.

The Framework also recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development.

Fundamental to the Framework is the view that children’s lives are characterised by belonging, being and becoming.

‘Belonging’ refers to children developing a sense of identity and an understanding of where and how they belong within their family, cultural groups, and community. ‘Being’ recognises the here and now in children’s lives, and ‘becoming’ reflects the changes and development that children experience during their early lives.

The framework communicates expectations regarding high quality care to early childhood professionals through the following five learning outcomes which must be reflected within the Preschool’s program and practices:

Children have a strong sense of belonging

  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators

A copy of this framework is available in the Preschool foyer or you can find it here:

Useful Websites 

Raising Children Network.  

This website provides a range of information and resources for parenting and caring for children, from newborns to school age children.

Kids Matter

This website provides quality information and resources for parenting and supporting children. E.g. childhood anxiety, transition to school, education, families and community and, schools.

Preschools NSW

A website resource to enable families and people working with families to understand and search for not-for-profit, community-based Preschools in NSW.

NSW Public Schools

Please see this website for information regarding school readiness and transitioning your child from Preschool to primary school, including a guide on how to prepare your child for school.

Department of Education and Communities (DECS) – formerly DoCS

The department regulates and funds education and care services. Parents can find information on the types of services available for children, and can search for services.

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) 

ACECQA is the new national body ensuring early childhood education and care across Australia is high quality.

Thank you and we look forward to getting to know you and your child. Emmerick Street Preschool really is a magical place and we hope you feel that also. 

Important Documents to refer to include:

1: New children Social Story

3: Orientation Checklist

4: Our Philosophy

5: Term Dates